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Web Radio

Welcome to our Mobile App Design Services page, where innovation meets functionality to create immersive digital experiences for your audience. At oosean, we specialize in crafting intuitive and engaging mobile apps that elevate your brand and drive user engagement. Whether you're looking to launch a new app or enhance your existing one, our team of expert designers is here to bring your vision to life.

Our Approach

Where innovation meets communication we offer cutting-edge solutions for web radio broadcasting and Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems, empowering you to connect with your audience and streamline internal communications like never before.

About Our Services

Let's streamline your communication needs Together!

Elevate your brand with a custom web radio station that allows you to reach and engage your audience like never before. Our web radio solutions include everything you need to launch and manage a professional broadcasting platform, from audio streaming software to website integration to analytics and reporting.

Streamline internal communications and enhance productivity with our PBX systems. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our PBX solutions provide advanced features like call routing, voicemail, conferencing, and more to keep your team connected and your business running smoothly.

Pricing Plan

A collection of leads and sales tools

Basic Plan

  • Great Customer Support
  • Market Growth Solution
  • Mobile Phone Optimized
  • Free custom domain
  • Annual Purchase
  • Hosting Day

Premium plan

  • Great Customer Support
  • Market Growth Solution
  • Mobile Phone Optimized
  • Free custom domain
  • Annual Purchase
  • Hosting Day

Standard Plan

  • Great Customer Support
  • Market Growth Solution
  • Mobile Phone Optimized
  • Free custom domain
  • Annual Purchase
  • Hosting Day